Who's Who


Team Rector,  Rev'd Dave Brown

Hello, I'm Dave, the Team Rector of the Newton Abbot Team Ministry.

I started following Jesus as a child, and via teenage questioning and after careers in supermarket retail, pensions administration and 12 years teaching, I felt God's call to full time Christian ministry.  I trained at Oak Hill College in north London, and after a curacy in Sidmouth, I spent 11 years as Rector of two churches in north Hertfordshire before coming to Newton Abbot in 2022.

My passions in church are for clear, faithful and relevant Bible teaching, growing discipleship, compassionate pastoral care and active evangelism.  Outside of church I enjoy most sports and support Luton Town and the New York Mets!  I'm a keen but high-handicap golfer and love walking the moors and the coasts of Devon with my wife Judy.

Email: rector@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk

Phone: 01626 335862

Day off Thursday

Rev'd Gareth Regan, Team Vicar

Hi, my name is Gareth and I am one of the team vicars. I was licensed to the benefice in June 2017.

The main focus of my ministry is centred around new housing areas, specifically Houghton Barton and Rew farm. I am really excited to see what God is going to do in these new and growing communities, alongside doing the other half my job which is being a priest in Newton Abbot working in the five churches that make up our benefice.

I am married with three children, and in my spare time, I enjoy cycling and building computers.

Email: gareth@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk

Phone: 01626 201237

Day off Friday



Curate Ben Maynard



01626 332546

Day off Thursday








Fr Matthew Cashmore

07555 924 862

father@slsj.co.ukTeam Rector Vacant Position

Team Vicar in the Newton Abbot Benefice with the particular responsibility of being the Vicar of St Luke’s Milber. 






Keith Butler


07980 457919













Abbotsbury Church

Douglas Machin


St Mary's

Sharon Lawrence

07794 108166










St Bartholomew's

Stella Llewellyn and Gwyn Hughes

All Saints, Highweek

Michael Gillibrand


St. Paul's

Lorna Tresidder



Parish Team Administrator

Mel Dunn

Phone 01626 211346 or email office@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk


Rob Palmer

Phone 07792 081776 or Email: treb0r@hotmail.com






Weekly Parish News by Email

John Calderwood


Website and social media team

Lynn Buckley


Musical Worship

Organist at St Paul's and St Bartholomew's

Clive Sawers

07967 148794 or email clivesawers@aol.com 










St Mary's Wolborough


To discuss music choices for weddings etc at St Mary's Wolborough

please email office@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk










Team Rector: Rev Dave Brown. Day off Thursday rector@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk 01626 335862

Team Vicar and Vicar of St Luke's, Milber: vacancy.

Lay minister for St Luke’s, Graham Whittle family@hotmail.co.uk

Team Vicar: Rev Gareth Regan: Day Off: Friday - gareth@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk 01626 201237

Curate: Rev Ben Maynard: Day Off: Thursday. - ben@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk 01626 332546

Licensed Lay Minister: - Keith Butler: puffin@blueyonder.co.uk  07980 457919


All Saints: Michael Gillibrand ogwellwarden@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk

Abbotsbury: Douglas Machin d.m.machin2016@gmail.com

St Mary’s: Sharon Lawrence 07794 108166

St. Paul’s: Lorna Tresidder lornatresidder@icloud.com

St Bartholomew's: Michael Gillibrand ogwellwarden@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk

Organist: Clive Sawers 07967 148794 clivesawers@aol.com

Parochial Church Council Secretary: Barbara Garrick 07910 207358 - barbara_garrick@yahoo.com

Safeguarding Lead: Rob Palmer 07792 081776 treb0r@hotmail.com

Weekly Parish News by Email. John Calderwood - news@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk 01626 361952

Other Communications Media (website and social media) - comms@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk

Prayer List: Please let us know about anyone in need of prayers. Their name will be kept on the list for a month. Please email prayer@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk

Parish website: www.newtonabbotparishes.co.uk

Parish Office at St Paul's Church, Devon Square. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

For all enquiries, please phone 01626 211346 or email office@newtonabbotparishes.co.uk.





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