Song of the Week

... we are saved by God’s gift of grace alone!   

Songs for the week: Rock of Ages (  and CityAlight - Grace (

We need to be thinking Christians ... take our stand on the unchanging and inerrant Word of God.

Reformation Song  Soverign Grace Music

... we need to trust that the God who gave his Son for us, will continue to rule over his world and bring all his plans to completion at the right time. 

Shane & Shane: I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130)

... let’s learn to lament like Habakkuk, and to bring our prayers to the One who does see and who will act.

We have sung our songs of victory (How Long?) - Lyrics

... keep walking and working and praying and trusting that God’s purposes would be fulfilled in our day.

 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - Lyrics - YouTube

Whatever you are going through right now, and whatever the coming months hold for you, I pray that you would know a renewed closeness in your fellowship with the Lord Jesus, and that you will trust him every single step of the way.

The Lord's My Shepherd - Stuart Townend

Let’s live righteous lives that point to the LORD and let’s live with the sure and certain hope that God’s kingdom will come, and that one day, justice and peace will come when Jesus returns as King.  

It Is Well With My Soul

Let us fix our eyes on the one true God who will shepherd us through every twist and turn of life until we see him face to face in glory.

He will hold me fast  Keith & Kristen Getty

Below is a song that I hope will lift your eyes to our eternal home

Almost Home - Matt Papa & Matt Boswell

Consider what part – if any - Jesus plays in our closest friendships, and seek to strengthen that third cord

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

His Forever

Ask the LORD to help us find our true contentment in Christ and be more and more grateful for all we already have.

I Will Offer Up My Life Matt Redman

Let us pray confident prayers this week.

I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130) Keith and Kirsten Getty

Seek only to hear God’s verdict: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Before the Throne of God Above

Songs that remind us that perfect wisdom, and indeed lasting pleasure, are gifts found in God alone.

The Perfect Wisdom Of Our God

Glorious Things Of You Are Spoken

So let's stay strong, stay faithful and stay hopeful. Let's keep our eyes on our ultimate prize and remember that in this life our awesome God is always to able to bring incredible victories through what appears to be our hardest defeats.

Colin Buchanan - Super Saviour

Lou Fellingham - Everlasting Arms (Lean Hard)

The Lord Don’t Change At All  Colin Buchanan

Crown him with many Crowns

In the same way that the first disciples were strengthened and encouraged by the presence of Jesus, so we, as his disciples who have the Holy Spirit in us, are also strengthened and encouraged. God is for us  City Alight

For Ascension Sunday: Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise

Every encounter with Jesus has the potential to change us if we are ready and willing to let the master physician do his work.

His mercy is more

This I Believe by Hillsong

We can have greater confidence in sharing the Bible with others, so that God might speak directly to them.

Speak O Lord (Live from Sing! 21) - Keith & Kristyn Getty and Laura Story

Let’s be encouraged by Mary’s encounter with Jesus and join her in passing on the news of his mighty and glorious resurrection!

Led like a lamb to the Slaughter

Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Hallelujah!

Jesus Christ is risen today

... And then, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we go out and seek to live for the glory of God at home, at work, at rest and play. May that be our resolve and may God’s glory be seen in us.

May the Mind of Christ My Saviour and More Like Jesus

Be comforted and encouraged that whilst we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  What amazing love is that!

Song for the week: How Deep The Fathers Love For Us : Worship from Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle, Belfast 2008

Listen to this beautiful song and use it to brings your sins to God.  Lord, Have Mercy • Prayers of the Saints Live

A beautiful song to help lift your eyes to eternity and to encourage you to walk daily in the light of life that only Jesus can bring.  Almost Home (Official Lyric Video) - Matt Papa & Matt Boswell - YouTube

2 songs reflect our need for God’s wisdom so that we see and think rightly. 

Perfect Wisdom of Our God Keith & Kristyn Getty

Breathe On Me Breath of God (The Hastings College Choir)

Songs which set Bible verses to music: one for the children

Isiah 53:6 Colin Buchanan

and another 

Psalm 23 Stuart Townend

This song is a prayer for God’s blessing upon a couple getting married

Oh Perfect Love or another version here Oh Perfect love

A song that speaks a message of hope especially in the tough times

Faithful One  Robin Mark

A song which is a great reminder of who God is.  Be encouraged! 

Christ Our Hope in Life and Death

Two versions of a familiar great hymn:

Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah with Stuart Townend and Robin Mark

and here Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah with Tabernacle Welsh Baptist Church, Cardiff

On the theme of knowing and sharing the gospel:

There is One Gospel by CityAlight 

Facing A Task Unfinished - Keith and Kristyn Getty 

On the theme of going from division to unity in Jesus,

O for a thousand tongues to sing.

2 songs from our study of Noah on the theme of God’s covenant promises to us in contrast to our failures.

Every Promise (From the Breaking of the Dawn) - Stuart Townend

Standing on the Promises

2 songs on the theme of Salvation from our study in Noah:

Amazing Grace - Best Version By Far!

You Alone Can Rescue - Matt Redman

2 songs that reflect on Noah’s obedience to God’s call:

I Will Trust My Saviour Jesus  by CityAlight, and 

Trust and Obey 

This recording of The Blessing, wonderfully demonstrates just how vast and varied is the global Christian family 154 nations proclaim God's blessing in 257 languages


A couple of great songs and hymns about the Trinity:

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty and

King of Kings (Live)

To celebrate the ascension of Jesus:

Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning (Guiting Power) 

Chris Tomlin – How Great Is Our God (Live In Nashville 2022) and one for kids…

God sits in the highest place Colin Buchanan

Two songs about seeking God’s wisdom: 

The Perfect Wisdom Of Our God (Hymn 25) - YouTube

Lord, Speak to Me - YouTube

Two versions of a wonderful old hymn, with words that point to the difference that Jesus makes to us. The first is a beautiful modern setting, the second has a more recognisable tune. 

How Sweet The Name of Jesus Sounds // Harvest Collective - YouTube

How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (Tune: St Peter - 6vv) [with lyrics for congregations] - YouTube

Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. 

Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed

A selection to fit with either Maundy Thursday, Good Friday or Easter Sunday.

The Servant King - Graham Kendrick

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

See What a Morning (Resurrection Hymn)  by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty

Jesus' Kingship:

"That's My King" a video from Dr. S.M. Lockridge 

How about this as a way to declare Jesus’ Kingship in the marketplace! Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, "Hallelujah Chorus" 

A song to remind you to life up your eyes to the one who is the maker of Heaven and Earth:

Psalm 121- by the Sons of Korah

On Mothering Sunday: a wonderful version of Mary’s song in the hymn

Tell Out My Soul! Or try

Bach’s Magnificat

This is a wonderful song for reminding us of the greatness and holiness of God. 

"Only a Holy God"

Why not use this as a prayer when you pick up your Bible each day. 

"Speak O Lord"  

A song that reminds us that though our sins are many, God’s mercy is more.

"His mercy is more" 

"Yet not I but through Christ in me" 

May these two bless you and encourage you to rest in the peace of God.

"It is Well with My Soul" 

"Jesus, Strong and Kind" 

Two favourite songs about God’s love

"Here is love, vast as the ocean" - Robin Mark

"Your Love Will Last Forever"

A song about our eternal hope

"Almost Home"

 3 Christmas songs to increase our joy!

Sing We the Song of Emmanuel (Official Lyric Video)  

"Happy Happy Day" Colin Buchannan

"Glorious Light" Keith & Kristyn Getty & Ian Hannah

A song that reminds us of the task ahead.

Facing A Task Unfinished (We Go To All The World) Keith & Kristyn Getty


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